Sunday, April 4, 2010


Does prayer change things? The answer is YES! This may come as a surprise to those who know me and have followed my arguments on religion and the follies therein! Without an iota of doubt in my mind, I know too well the power of prayer, be it a prayer for evil or a prayer for good. Prayer changes people and when people change, they affect the things around them and cause changes by physically acting on the prayer and not by hoping that some supernatural powers will take action on ones behalf. Prayer changes the supplicants’ mentality towards what is prayed for and give them the zeal or motivation to go after what is prayed for decisively and with singleness of purpose. By the foregoing I am saying that depending on what one accept as true, if one honestly and earnestly yearn for what is prayed for, invest the needed amount of work answer is guaranteed. Prayer then becomes a motivator or if you like a therapy that weans one of lethargy; spun one to action and action beget result. Prayer is the verbal confirmation of our need to our self in serious ways. It is the periscope through which our inner eyes visualize our needs in a reflective mode, the engine oil that lubricates inertia and boost our faith and believes in our ability to do that which we need by articulating either verbal or silently such needs! It has nothing to do with some natural forces or benevolent spirits somewhere going to work on ones behalf. When we take physical action to actualize our prayers we affect changes in our life, around us and elsewhere in our favor by remote.
The power of prayer is not found in the emotional ejaculations of wishes as espoused by business men who claim to be God spokespersons on earth; rather it stems from a mental conversations with the self that crystallizes our need for us. It is a meditative process that does not need any sort of esoteric and bogus believes in any religion.
A good prayer is like a good motivational speech that spurs one to action. If at the end of your supplication you are not moved to act then you do not understand the essence of prayer. Prayer should be a quiet conversation with the self or your assumed god; to ensure the efficacy and fidelity of whatever god you pray to, you must put your prayer to action. The beauty of a well articulated prayer is that it moves the supplicant forward with the zeal of a warrior believing that your “god’ won’t let you down. By taking that bold step of faith, you move the spirit and forces at play to intercede for you. This has nothing to do with Christian or Islam or any other form of religion, rather, it is you who must move after crystallizing your need through prayer. Don’t forget that we all have our spiritual side! Prayer is a situation or condition that put things in perspective more clearly in your quiet time. Prayer is a conversation between man and his perceived god,(the god in this case being your inner will or resolve to act) if the supplicant can’t articulate his need clearly before his/her god then it will be difficult for such prayer to change him/her and by extension anything. You become what you ask through your prayer. A well articulated prayer is like well written instructional manual; the supplicant can follow it to bring his/her prayer to action.
The failure of prayer is not the failure of man perceived God; (we are, sometimes, our own god) rather it is the failure of man to persevere and follow the extrapolated demand of the road to success.
The much talked about universal God deal with universal problem and cannot be reduced to working for one person or one group or one nation. That is why it is funny to see footballers praying before starting a game. The only good that can come out of such prayer is if it motivates the players to play at their best. That is why all the prayers offered in Nigerian churches and mosques will never be answered. We pray and expect miracle without doing anything. The miracle can only come when we understand the import of prayer and act on it. Prayer should serve as a motivator for action. Period! The best side always wins in football tournament because that is the side that acts on their prayer. God is not a footballer and cannot take side and that goes for everything in life.
I do not find anything wrong with the concept of praying to or through one deity or the other. This is how society has programmed our inner mechanics and it helps those who are not strong enough to go it alone. We are what we are because of what we have learnt and how society has programmed us. We are forever doing battle with our mental concept of good and evil as learnt from our social interactions, cultural and natural environments. Some people have been able to break away from some of these societal norms and can see things more clearly than others, such people progress faster. There are those who are tied down by their programming and find it hard to see beyond their programming. Such people will never rise to their full potential until they can divorce themselves of perceived forces and ingrained dogmas.
There are those who believe that their inability to progress in life is tied to some family cause. Such people go for spiritual cleansing. The only good that come out of such cleansing is that it re-engineers the mechanics of your thought process and redirects your thought process. It imbues you with a belief in some imaginary power only because that is the only way by which you can take control of your situation and act in a new positive light. You are made to believe that the chain of the perceived family cause has been broken! Therein lies the power of prayer and belief! Once that perceived illusion is dispelled, you become a new person and you begin to affect things around you for the better.
If you do your home work well, things start happening naturally; even people that you don’t know or least expect to raise a finger for you will go the extra miles to help you because they know you will pull through and you will certainly come through because you have prayed and you are acting on your prayer! That is what is meant by one affecting changes remotely. It has nothing to do with religion rather it has to do with your understanding of the dynamics of life, your place in it and your track record or pedigree and how society perceive it.
For those of us who do not pray and do not worship anything, it is called self motivation! If you can stop for a minute and think about what you really need in life. Spend some time to try and visualize what it is you really need. Work diligently towards it, focus continually on it and believe that it will be yours. It must surely come to pass. The best form of prayer is hard work and believing in your own ability. Be willing to take risk knowing that failure is only a call to a new beginning, a temporary obstacles that will be beaten by doggedness, fastidiousness, I am writing from experience; the changes that you expect from prayer would never happen if you pray and sleep.
The saying that God help those who help themselves simply means that God will move the spirits when you move and God will move failure into your life when you seat and wait for him to do the work. God is not our servant neither is He our master. He is our friend and will help to do what we want if only we can help our self. It is said that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom but I say the fear of Devil will drive you to God but the fear of God will drive you to the Devil. So the fear of evil is the beginning of Wisdom. The love of good is the beginning of peace of mind and the fear of God is the end of Wisdom.

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