#Inaju Postulations"
Anyone doubting that those who bombed the UN building in Abuja, Nigeria are not true Moslems because they bombed the UN building during the holy month of Ramadan, should look no further than what is happening in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Sudan during the fast month, do you also doubt that the actors in the named countries are Moslems? If so take a close look at the injunctions in the bible and the Koran.
These morally depraved and cowardly contrived acts of terror that are moronically delivered for maximum impact are firmly rooted in religion. Religion like all things invented by man is designed to be used for our expediency. It governs the ways of the gullible while the pragmatic use it to their own end. The bible said in Matthew 11: vs 12 that “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.” While the Koran said in K 3: vs 28 that “Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers: If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: Except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (to remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.”
And the man who almost single handedly wrote the new testament of the Christian bible in one of his many pieces to the people of Corinthians wrote in 2COR 6:14 “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness?” WAOH!
The Koran in a very graphic way said in k. 2.191… And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.!
#Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things." This one is a double waoh‼
The last quote leaves one with the impression that fighting and killing is approved.
The point I am making with these quotations is to draw attentions to the fact that both religions encourage its devotees to keep away from each other. The liberals among them will ignore those injunctions and live above the where evil spealk in the so called hallowed books. They will live in peace but the misguided will continue to perpetuate bedlam.
What happened in Nigeria is an extension of the global religious war that is being fought between Jews and Moslems in the Middle East. Israelis for no reason continues to kill Palestinians with the support of the larger Jewish tribe, otherwise, known as Christians.
While Jews are not particularly Christians; both religions see a larger Jewish family in the global schema. Christendom sees itself as the new Nation of Jew while Islam sees the west and all Christians as an embodiment of this new Jewish Nation. #Boko Haram destructive ways is based on their understanding of the larger schema and the interpretations of the larger Judo-Christian Nationhood and its global war against terror in the Islamic Nation; some have interpreted war on terror as war against Islam. In effect, the despicable war by BH could be seen as an extension of the war between the new Nation of Jews (Christians) and the Nation of Islam.
UN has always had problem with the Middle East over many issues. The fact that U.S and the west lead UN by the nose does not help matters.
While we hold Nigerian Government accountable for the lack of security in our beloved country, we must not lose sight of the larger picture. The war against terror has become a global war between the nation of Jew and the nation of Islam. We are all part of it, it does not matter if you are a Christian, a Moslem, or if you have no religious leaning. I could have been in that building in Nigeria, you could have been there, anyone could have been there and these ill fated murderers would have done their act regardless. Every society need to look inward and see what is needed in their little corner of the world and seek local solution with global outlook in fighting the global religious war that we, the human race, have brought on Gods beautiful world.
We need to go back to the drawing board and reappraise religions. Most of them have outlived their usefulness in this generation. We are using old ways to handle new problems, it will not work. The way to end these problems is to rewrite both the bible and the Koran and make them relevant in today’s world.
Thank you
kitchinme Bawan-Allah Response
Mr. Reuben you have made a strong argument. However, the way you have laid out your argument seems to me in this context like you have shared blame even to the innocent. This is one of the problems we face in this country, and further compounds the situation we have found ourselves in. Reminds you of those days when one of your parents is in a foul mood and metes out to all of you punishment meant for one of your siblings.
I hold a completely different opinion about rewriting the Bible. Christians know that they should never take offence when anyone says anything bad about their faith/God, because they serve one who assures them to 'hold their peace and He will fight for them.' You quoted Paul where he said 'do not be unequally yoked'. I'll like to point out here that it does not in any way mean that one should take arms against non Christians. Do you remember that it is Paul who wrote that, Christians must do all within their power to live in peace with all?
I want to draw your kind attention to the message of Jesus Christ, where He asked His followers to forgive countless times. Will you remember where it is written in the bible that Christians should turn the other cheek?
The bible is not a book to be logically comprehended by readers, and that my friend is where you get it wrong. If there be any issues with religion, it is not Christianity because my friend once again, it is not a religion but a way of life, but I don't expect you to agree with me because as they say, 'the taste of the pudding is in the eating.'
To the issue of the UN House bombing, I pray God will touch the hearts of the perpetrators to change, and moreso, I believe it is not only non-Muslims who were targetted here. As a result we must all come together to find a way out of this situation.
Finally, I'm sure you know that Reuben is one of the twelve tribes of Isreal.
#Kitchinme #Bawan-Allah
Inaju Response:
Mr. Kitchinme Bawan-Allah
I am impressed by your analysis of mine and I do agree with you totally that I also blamed the “innocent” but where we differ is on the concept of the innocents. Who is the innocent in this case? Anyone claiming innocence and refused to speak out against evil is guilty in my opinion. When a bomb goes off, it does not recognize innocent. The concept of victims does not come in, because the innocents are more often than not the victims.
The 9/11 bombing of the trade centre in America is a clear case of where religions took the faithful, and the “unfaithful to “hell and heaven” respectively without recourse to identifying their faith. The problem of terrorism is not a Nigerian case, I said earlier in my first piece on this matter; it is a global war between the new nation of Jew (Christianity) and the Islamic nation. The human race has infected Gods beautiful earth with this calamity. Show me one nation where both religions have lived peacefully with other religions.
Our president, unfortunately, put it bluntly when he said "Many countries have suffered from terrorists attacks, maybe it is the turn of Nigeria.” It will continue to move around if nothing is done to arrest it. Daily petitions to God are futile because both religions pray to the same God and you have the same origin. You are two of the three Abrahamic region, the third one being Judaism.
I am respectful of your views on this issue and I will be the first to concede your right to your views about rewriting the bible. Human beings by nature hate change. This is a fundamental call for us to look at our world, diagnose its problem and fix it through religion by making religion useful to us; but as I can see, the human nature of standing in the way of change will not give room for such positive and drastic move. What I am proposing will shake the world to its foundation and reposition humanity in a new stead to love each other and have a better world. I know this will sound like blasphemy to the adherents of both faiths, but I will add here that both religions have failed us abysmally in their current state.
For you or anyone to argue that “Christians know that they should never take offence when anyone says anything bad about their faith/God, because they serve one who assures them to 'hold their peace and He will fight for them” is to pretend that Christianity is without history. Read the history of Christianity; it is riddled with the blood of those who disagreed with it or said anything untoward about it!
Your defence of Paul does not hold water at all. What you have done in your defence of Paul is to interpret the bible or the words of Paul in a way that suits your leaning. It is not a global interpretation, and that is not your fault either…the problem is with religion; we all translate what is written to suit our needs. Moslems will have a thousand interpretations of what I quoted from their Koran.
You ask me if I remember that “Paul…wrote that, Christians must do all within their power to live in peace with all?” that sounds like the translation of Islam to me. Islam means PEACE! Hello‼ Instead of peace what do we have, mad men destroying Gods Beautiful earth in the name of Islam‼?
Pardon me, but I laughed out loud at the failure of religion when I read the part where you said “I want to draw your kind attention to the message of Jesus Christ, where He asked His followers to forgive countless times.” You might as well be quoting the Koran on forgiveness.“Hold to forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant Qur'an, 7: 199. In Qur'an, 24:22, Allah commands: "… They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." Indeed forgiveness is the pillar on which Islam stands because Allah said in Koran, 42:40 “The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone pardons and puts things right, his reward is with Allah…” adding in Koran, 64: 14 that “…. But if you pardon and exonerate and forgive, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” For the purpose of this piece let me drive my point home with this wonderful quote from Qur'an, 42:43 "But if someone is steadfast and forgives, that is the most resolute course to follow." "Control their rage and pardon other people." (Qur'an, 3:134) are you with me so far? The point to be made here is this, both books need to be re-written and the negative aspect of it expunged so that evil humans will not find justifications in their religion to perpetrate evil. Are you with me?
Talking about turning the other cheek, why don’t you guys forget about fighting Islamic bank and just turn the other cheek, and by the way what kind of command is that, why will I let you slap me for no reason and let you get away with it? As if that is not bad enough, I should turn the other cheek, no kidding bro that sounds lame and unacceptable. You slap me without cause, I slap you back! Case close. Turning the other cheek is not a sign of humility, it is a sign of stupidity, and someone will just knock off all your teeth. It is a difficult world because religion has made it so. The power of evil is rooted in religion, can’t you see it? Gosh! That thing about turning the other cheek give mischievous and evil people the courage to attack Christians, the problem I have with that is that, the “innocent” get hurt in the cross fire. That is what happened at the UN bombing in Nigeria, which is what happened in 9/11, and by the way, America, a Christian nation did not turn the other cheek. They killed more innocent victims than the 9/11 bombing did‼! And they are still killing! Sad; very sad.
Any book that cannot be understood logically is suspect and if you argue that “the bible is not a book to be logically comprehended by readers…” I say you are correct because it makes complete sense to me that the bible is illogical. It has been misunderstood by those who depend on it for their way of life. Arguably, that is where Christian’s destructive world view emanates, if that is the case, you will be wrong to assert that it is where I got it wrong. I will argue that it is where I got it right. Illogical concept can only breed illogical action. I am wondering if it is the same with the Quran. Do you know? Help me.
Positing that Christianity is not a religion is a grandiose self delusion, pardon me, “If there be any issues with religion, it is not Christianity because my friend once again, it is not a religion but a way of life, but I don't expect you to agree with me” you are absolutely right, I do not agree with you. Christianity is nothing if it is not a religion. All religions are a way of life of people, it is part if the culture of the people that practice it.
“To the issue of the UN House bombing, I pray God will touch the hearts of the perpetrators to change,” that is your opinion and I cannot begrudge you, but what I pray for is for the world government to wake up from their slumber and see it for what it is, it is the war between the nation of Islam and the nation of Jew (Christianity), arrest it and deal it a fatal blow once and for all by rewriting both books from where the perpetrators and some of the victims take their water of life.
What is your point when you said “I'm sure you know that Reuben is one of the twelve tribes of Israel.” Are you calling me an Israelite?
Kitchinme Bawan-Allah Response.
Mr Reuben Inaju, I just wonder where you got the name Reuben from hence the question. You could pass for an Isrealite if not for the other name: Inaju which I believe with a deeper probe could also be found somewhere in the Jewish diction.
To the issue at hand and looking at the big picture as it were, you will agree (I don't think you will), that ultimately, the tussle is for the control of resources rather than for space to freely exercise the rituals of what you call religion. However, I think it will be futile to continue to make any more efforts to convince you that religion is not really the cause of all the problem. No not at all, think deeper and you will see. Was Hitler an adherent of any?
Your argument is very articulate but is driven more by your disdain for religion than an attempt to fathom and find a solution to the problems that the world face. I challenge you who seem to be working on a 'proposal that will shake the world', that your quest will be an exercise in futility unless you will produce the proverbial silver bullet to erase man's desire and quest for material gain.
By the way, did I mention that your negative perception of religion make you sound like an atheist or agnostic or one of their ilk? Your grasp of both faiths gives the impression of an atheist who has the time and liberty of probing deeply into the two dominant faiths for the avowed purpose of fault finding in order to blame the world's woes on one or both.
I await your predictable response.
At this point I think you are acquainted enough for you my friend to call me Kich.
Inaju Reponse to Kich,
I am honored by your magnanimity to give me the right to call you Kich. Thank you Kich and thank you for predicting me so rightly. I mean the point where you said I would reply.
My dear Kich, by a long stretch of the imagination, I am not a Jew, neither the real Jew nor the fake one that is acquire through some promises made to those who follow certain religious precepts. The good news is that I do not intend to become a Jew, not in this lifetime. Nigeria is good enough for me. Blame my mother for that name.
To the matter at hand, you are correct when you said “the tussle is for the control of resources rather than for space to freely exercise the rituals of what you call religion.” And I agree with you, see, you don’t need to convince me when you say the right thing. The only problem here is that religion has become the conduit to controlling resources and people are killing each other and justifying it with religion. Politics and Religion are intermingled; vanity is the driving force of religion. The quest for power, both political and spiritual, drives the religious people. If you control the church and the mosques; you control the people, Indeed, it is not the need for freedom of religious expressions that drive people to religion, on the contrary, it is the desire materialism and that is why we need to rewrite the books of religions to deny people verses to justify their ignoble and unprovoked acts of destruction to fulfil their quest for materialism.
I am trying to understand why you think I am an atheist, is it because I don’t subscribe to your faith? Well, be it known that I am neither an atheist nor an agnostic or whatever you may want to call me. I am Inaju and that is all there is to me. Don’t bother to dig deeper because there is nothing to discover about me. I am just one more sojourner in Gods earth on the way to nowhere. It will interest you to know that the two religions you suspect me of are no different from Christianity and Islam. Was it Wole Soyinka who said the man died in him that keep quiet in the face of oppression? I am not sure, but the bottom line is that, whether my effort is in futility, or it is adopted, it does not really matter at the end of the day. What matters from my little corner of the world is that I have said my piece as I see fit. And I thank you for even reading it, and more for giving me the chance to think by replying me. You have said your bit and that is how it should be. Finally my dear Kich, my effort is not to win converts for my way of thoughts; rather it is a way to make those of you with linear approach to religion to see the other side of it. I am very interested in religion. I love it with a passion and that is why I hold it to the highest standards. I am not going to fool myself by doing what people do because I want to belong.
Mr. #Godswill Iyoke arguement on the matter"
Reuben Inaju,
Yours is a product of good reasoning. Although well articulated, it is from the coloured prism of a well bred, but prejudiced intellect. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have ignored the foundations or present day realities of your subject; and proceed to judgment on the parochial basis of isolated historical events in spite of contemporary realities.
Although Christians draw inspiration from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, Christianity is a new testament Faith movement inspired by the works and activities of Jesus Christ. To appreciate the Faith or "Religion" it is necessary that you understand the foundation of the faith; knowledge of the person Jesus Christ. The 'taste of the pudding' as your likes would agree, 'is in the eating'. Jesus said of himself; "the thief commeth, but to steal, Kill and destory. But I am come that ye might have life and have it abundantly'. John 10:10. In practical validation of this Truth the earthly activities of Jesus, were associated with good works in the lives of people. To confirm this, it is recorded in Acts 10:38, that Jesus validated his mission by going about doing good. The controversies associated with Jesus, were in acts that sought to contradict the mindsets of the religionists of the time. I believe you were trying to be diplomatic by classifying Christianity as a you seek to do. With due respect, this is either borne out of ignorance or intellectual mischief.
It is true that history has a record of certain acts as in the "Crusades" that contradict the faith, this could at best be seen as historical accidents which are neither consistent with the earthly activities of Jesus, the works of His disciples nor the efforts of the contemporary Church. Such contradictions arise whenever men seek to make religion out of the Christian faith. It is an ever-present temptation as anything that comes under the use and control of man is usually subject to mainpulation and corruption; even the intellect as has been keenly displayed by you. You agree with me that despite the fast erosion of Christian values by liberal and humanistic traditions, evidences of development and civilisation are still found in nations with Christian foundation. As vile as we seem to be a people Christianity still remains the valid source and evidence of hope in our nation. Visit most Christian assemblies, what do hear, despite unprovoked attacks? Messages of Hope. Even as poorly managed as the Nigerian nation seems to be, what do you see and feel in Christian dominated communities? Fear; apprehension? No! But freedom; liberty. 'Reuben', you will agree with me that your liberal thoughtfulness is a product of your interface with the Christian 'Religion' that offered you unrestricted access to the Light that freed you from the confines of a parochial worldview. Notwithstanding your protest, you are indeed a Christian product, except that you seem to be consumed by the consciousness of your self identity that you do not wish to lose under any guise. Mr. Inaju, I can sense some good sense of humanity in you which, I believe, was cultivated in your impressionable years when the good and creative "Spirit of God" entered into you, as you heard and received the Word of God. That Spirit is still available today. Just kindly remove the veil of your prejudicial thought lenses and seek the to apply your rich intellectual endowments to espouse the true content and intent of the subject of your extant intellectual adventure. It is necessary that you do this; so that all may "Know the Truth and be set free".
Whatever nay one may, say, Christianlty remains the oasis of hope in our confused intellect driven world. It is not a religious movement. It is a spiritual platform for a select peolpe like you who seeks to be empowered by God to be change agents in a world that is inceasingly being driven by self and individualistic pursuits. As salt christians are meant to preserve and sweeten a soured and decaying world. It is not a religious movement constituted by those who chant Lord Lord, but by the likes of you who are driven by the need to seek and do the will of God. So, Reuben Inaju, you are welcome on board the Ship of faith; where your safety is assured against the storms and perils of life voyage caused by by the waves of knowledge and other assaults.
God Bless you.
#Godwill #Iyoke
#Inaju; Response
My Dear Godswill,
Thank you for admitting that my pieces were from the point of “good reasoning” and “prism of well-bred”, however, I am struggling to understand what you meant by “you wouldn't have ignored the foundations or present day realities of your subject; and proceed to judgment on the parochial basis of isolated historical events in spite of contemporary realities”.
In my humble opinion, the bombing of the UN building in Abuja, August 26, 2011 is our present day realities. The antecedents and precedents to the mind numbing dastard act of terrorism are found in both the Bible and the Quran. You accused me of “parochial reasoning”. What constitute parochialism in your vocab? Do you mean that Moslems; enjoined by their religion to kill none believer as cited in my earlier submission on the extant matter are more liberal or Christians whose bible told them not to have any union with unbelievers are more liberal than me who see goodness in all men? I don’t get your drift, and that part about “isolated historical event”, what was all that about. Which events are you dubbing “isolated historical event”? Could it be the fact that Christians carry out broad day murder at the time of the crusade and inquisition or the fact that Christians are now ordaining gay priests or could be the fact sodomy has become an accepted cannon in Christianity? Could it be ongoing religious terrorism done openly by Muslims and clandestinely by Christians? Are you talking about the third world war that started a long time between the Judo-Christians Nations and the Nation of Islam? Kindly tell us what you call “isolated historical event”. You see, Kindly educate me on what you meant by “isolated historical event” and we can take it from there.
Although Christians draw inspiration from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, Christianity is a new testament Faith movement inspired by the works and activities of Jesus Christ. To appreciate the Faith or "Religion" it is necessary that you understand the foundation of the faith; knowledge of the person Jesus Christ.
What I know, and I believe that many of your types will agree with me, is the truism that the bible is the basis of Christianity…any attempt to break it down for your own convenience or for the sake of argument will amount to blasphemy. What you have done here is part of the problem with Christendom; this is what I call mischievous selective application of the bible for self-edification otherwise known as malicious compliance in Christendom! It is the same way that evil men have fractured the Quran and the Bible to justify their evil acts, and this is why I am advocating for both books to be updated and the negative part of it expunged for the sake of our collective future.
The 'taste of the pudding' as your likes would agree, 'is in the eating'. Jesus said of himself; "the thief commeth, but to steal, Kill and destroy. But I am come that ye might have life and have it abundantly'. But it is the same Jesus that said in Mathew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” any attempt to negate or belittle the OT in practicing Christianity will amount to anything but Christianity! The Law of Moses as practiced by Islam said an eye for an eye, any attempt to say it has been nullified by the coming of Jesus is to go against Mathew 5:17. Moreover, don’t border to quote Matthew 18:21-35 where it is said that we have to forgive 70X 7 times, else you will say that
bible contradicts God!
You quoted John 10:10., kindly look at the simile of the word “LIKE” when you are done doing that; go and read Job 24:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, Exodus 22:2…
“In practical validation of this Truth the earthly activities of Jesus, were associated with good works in the lives of people. To confirm this, it is recorded in Acts 10:38, that Jesus validated his mission by going about doing good.” Who was Jesus doing good for? Go and read what he said to the Greek woman in Matthew 15:22-28. Jesus called God creation DOG! Out of pure necessity, the woman had to lick her wounds and accept to be called a dog before she could get healing from Jesus! In modern day reality, he would have been arraigned in a human right court, tried and jailed or fined!
The controversies associated with Jesus, were in acts that sought to contradict the mindsets of the religionists of the time. I believe you were trying to be diplomatic by classifying Christianity as a you seek to do. With due respect, this is either borne out of ignorance or intellectual mischief.
I have said repeatedly, I love Christianity, and that is the only reason I hold it to a high standard, accusing me of ignorance is acceptable, since that will be born out of your own ignorance but saying it is intellectual mischief is unacceptable. I am not writing to confuse anyone or mislead anyone, I write purely out of the appropriateness of today’s reality. I am like the John the Baptist in your Bible, a lone voice in the wilderness. If you will take time to think deeply about what I ask of your faith, you will come to the understanding that, it will lead to a peaceful world devoid of religious mayhem.
It is true that history has a record of certain acts as in the "Crusades" that contradict the faith, this could at best be seen as historical accidents which are neither consistent with the earthly activities of Jesus, the works of His disciples nor the efforts of the contemporary Church. Such contradictions arise whenever men seek to make religion out of the Christian faith. It is an ever-present temptation as anything that comes under the use and control of man is usually subject to manipulation and corruption; even the intellect as has been keenly displayed by you.
Are you kidding me, Godswill? Now; you begin to indulge in intellectual mischief! There is nothing accidental or contradictory about the Crusade and nascent Christianity. Both are congruous. Actually, the era of early Christian crusade is milder than modern day Christian crusade for converts. If you can’t see or deliberately refuse to see the evil of modern day evangelism, I can only add that you have bought into the unholy deception of modern religion or you have simply decided to deceive yourself.
Your bible encourages Christians to use violence to take the kingdom of heaven! The use of, sometimes, veiled threat and promises of utopia and bliss to “them that believeth” by your criminal elements in the church who parade themselves pastors and heaven’s gatekeepers on earth is worse than the era of inquisitions or crusade.
The attack on the human psyche by modern Christianity is worse than the crusade, the crusade killed a few hundreds may be thousands, modern Christianity is robbing millions of their hard earn money and property. It has held hostage, millions of people around the world while the few who lead the masses live above board. Once again, I must remind you of your religious fabrications of applying selective application of history, and the negations of the evolutions of historical reality in you interpretation of the bible.
You have taken intellectual fraud to new level! Not only have you tried to deny certain part of the bible for the sake of “GOOD” you are falsifying history or at best rewriting history! Listen, the way to go is to rewrite the bible and the Quran not history.
"You agree with me that despite the fast erosion of Christian values by liberal and humanistic traditions, evidences of development and civilisation are still found in nations with Christian foundation. As vile as we seem to be a people Christianity still remains the valid source and evidence of hope in our nation. Visit most Christian assemblies, what do hear, despite unprovoked attacks? Messages of Hope. Even as poorly managed as the Nigerian nation seems to be, what do you see and feel in Christian dominated communities? Fear; apprehension? No! But freedom; liberty.
Sorry to disappoint you; I do not agree with you at all. The bedrock of most “leading civilization” is built on the blood of slavery and domination, an act that Christianity or religion applauds. The bible justifies the act of domination and slavery. Western civilization is built on the evil of slavery that was encouraged and justified in the bible. Those who fought slavery were non-Christians. Those who worked hard to perpetuate slavery were staunch Christians. I do not blame them totally, however, the point to be made here is that, like modern day terrorist, they derived justification for the draconic and inhuman acts from the bible. I will spare you the agony of where this is found in your bible because I have written about it in the past on this forum. Development has nothing to do with Christianity. Look at Japan, China, India, Indonesia, to name but a few, these are not Christian nations. In fact the second largest economy in the world worship their emperor at a time…I am talking about Japan! They worshiped Emperor Saito for millennia, yet they are the second largest economy in the world. I do not need to educate you about China.
While no one can argue against the fact that we have good Christians, just as we have good Muslims, it remains a fact that inherent problems in religion are not brought about by liberals and humanist. Rather, it is engineered and propelled by practitioners of both religions. Christianity and Islam, the way they are, have never been and will never be the source of hope for our country. The level of provocation, malfeasance, and ignoble ignominy emanating from sermons in our churches is equivalent to what comes out of our Mosques. Morally, I think Islam will take a higher moral ground draconic and evil as their position is.
Nigeria is managed badly because of the collusion between our churches and mosques and the political ruling class. There is a symbiotic relationship between the tripartite money making organizations. They have ganged up against our nation and the poor and illiterate masses and educated people like you feign ignorance of the fact in your desire to defend your religion. (You sin against the rest of us in this). On the surface, there is a seemingly difference between the tripartite, in the dark, they are all members of the same criminal money spinning club. Godswill, for a man with your level of education and intelligence to pretend not to see this glaring fraud is a deliberate intellectual amnesia or a calculated temporary intellectual insanity, an aberration at best.
I have visited many churches in Nigeria, and all that they preach is war against imaginary enemies. They bind and bound delusions through deceptions. They ask God to destroy what they do not understand and imaginary enemies. They ask god to do all kind of bad things to enemies that they have created in their minds. They see evil everywhere except where it exists and that is in their churches and the same thing goes for Muslims. Wake up my friend. There is no liberty or freedom in the church, the perish-ioners are enslaved with the utopia concept of the hereafter and the unattainable promise of inconceivable wealth, (due those who pay tithe and pray incessantly) which only pastors, politicians and Imams have access to! Goodness me. Christians and Muslims live under the senseless fear of going to hell on a daily basis. Politicians live under the senseless fear of poverty after their political life. They live their lives in the fear of the unknown. Christians and Muslims starve themselves in the name of fasting without really understanding why fast is good for humans. Christians and Muslims religion is based on assumptions…I could go on but for lack of time and space.
'Reuben', you will agree with me that your liberal thoughtfulness is a product of your interface with the Christian 'Religion' that offered you unrestricted access to the Light that freed you from the confines of a parochial worldview. Notwithstanding your protest, you are indeed a Christian product, except that you seem to be consumed by the consciousness of your self identity that you do not wish to lose under any guise.
Once again, you are wrong! If we take your postulations at face value, Muslims and Buddhist who read my write up on their religion will lay claim to me. The truth is that I have interest in all types of religion, and I respect all of them, but what I cannot stand is muddled theology like the one you are struggling to preach here. You assume too many things and your sense of the history of your religion is false. Do you still have your identity or have you sold it in the cheap market of religion because of the promise of Utopia? I am happy to retain my own identity, I am Nigerian, and am proud to be what God made me. I am not interested in the world of Jews and I do not want go to the New Jerusalem
Mr. Inaju, I can sense some good sense of #humanity in you which, I believe, was cultivated in your impressionable years when the good and creative "Spirit of God” entered into you, as you heard and received the Word of God. That Spirit is still available today. Just kindly remove the veil of your prejudicial thought lenses and seek the to apply your rich intellectual endowments to espouse the true content and intent of the subject of your extant intellectual adventure. It is necessary that you do this; so that all may "Know the Truth and be set free".
Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the ability to “sense some good sense of humanity” in me. For you to give the glory to Christianity amount to being unfair to the humanist movement. I must add, though, that I am not humanist, for the simple reason that I do not understand it in detail. You seem to be suggesting that the Word of God led me astray with these lines “I believe, was cultivated in your impressionable years when the good and creative "Spirit of God” entered into you, as you heard and received the Word of God.” Between you and me, I am sure you are the one who is prejudiced in that you are using a very parochial biblical lens to look at the world that is inhabited by billions where only a fragment are Christians. For what it is worth, what I do in my writing is not adventure. I talk from conviction and not from a self-deluding religious concept. I am willing to change when I see something superior, right now, your religious argument sounds like a broken record.
Finally Godswill, I know the UNKNOWN author of the world in his own time will reveal to all peoples what is right and wrong, until then we must all hold on to what we believe but, we must be bold enough to be open minded and broad hearted enough to give room for other thoughts. Christianity as is has failed the world in too many ways, and efforts to justify it only lead to more failures. If you think deeply, you will see that what you have tried to do is to selectively apply the bible to modern day reality. I support you but what I am advocating for is for the bible to be edited and possibly rewritten in a way that it will serve modern generation effectively. Jesus will remain Jesus, but we need to expunge from the bible certain verses and chapters and rewrite some of it to blend into today. I advocate the same for the Quran. Our human intellect has gone beyond what was at the time holy. Certain aspect of the bible sacrosanct in today’s world but man has decided to use the negative part for their own end.
Those who wrote the bible meant well, it served them in their own time; it is time to move to the next level. Between modern intellect and the bible, the bible is more confused! In addition, even confusing, study the bible diligently and you will agree with me that too many things contradict common sense. Christians justify such contradiction by saying “the way of God is not the way of me” that is complete nonsense because the way of men and the way of God is the same, what differs is the way of man and the way of God.
Although Christians call themselves salt, they are like gall. If we can remove the negative part of the bible and the Quran and find away to make both books more positive, the fear and energy used in destroying the world will turn into positive energy and we will bequeath a better world for our progenies.
Thank you for your attention and remain blessed by the #GOOD FORCE that govern the world
Saturday, September 3, 2011
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