Friday, February 28, 2014

#Boko Haram, #Religion and Tribal hooliganism in Nigeria

#Boko Haram, #Religion and Tribal hooliganism in Nigeria

By Inaju U. Inaju
Sad is it not, the recent Boko-are-rams attack on Nigerians and the inaction of the Nigerian people. The numerous unchallenged successful attacks by the criminal elements go to the heart of the confusion passed off as politics, religion and tribalism in Nigeria.

Without a doubt, we have taken collective barbarism to the next level and we do this with glee through the borrowed culture that we barely understand and mix with the choking evil of tribalism and the kleptomaniac politics of winner take it all.  We now kill, mutilate and even frolic in the copious death of our progenies. Otherwise, how do you explain the lack of spontaneous public reaction to the boko-are-rams saga that has become part of our history?

Does the present dispensation ever wonder what history will say of them? Do we even trouble to understand that if it has been like this in the times of our forefathers, we would not have what we call a country today?

Hundred years after the British Empire crime of amalgamation, one would have expected that we are smart enough to have forged some kind of bond that will be unique, inspiring and lend itself to patriotism that will make us stand as one for all and all for one, instead we now frolic in sadistic pointillism and self serving religious, tribal and political chasms.

The catastrophic complicity of the generality of Nigerians and, in particular, the duplicity of religious and political leaders in Nigeria is beyond rationalization and perplexing to say the least. 
The most confounding aspect of this holistic fraud called religion, tribe and partisan politics in Nigeria and the Nigerian society abnegations of its responsibility to protect its children and its seemingly helplessness in the face of horrible and horrifying crimes is that even highly intelligent people act dumb when it comes to religion, tribe and partisan politics.

They take dumbness to a whole new level and one can’t help but wonder if there is some kind of universal voodoo involved in what plagues Nigeria. How a super duper smart people can accept that failure to do as instructed by self-serving religions will amount to eternal condemnation and damnation is beyond me. In the same vein, I find it daunting to fathom why seemingly smart and intelligent people will accept the mantra of self-serving tribalism or that partisan politics is a do or die affair.
Beyond the foregoing is the truism that any society that that will sit and do nothing when cannibals attack and destroy its future, its children, is not worthy of the respect of the human race. How a nation as mighty as Nigeria, as rich as Nigeria and with the level of human capital could sit by and watch a bunch of rad-tag renegades run a ring around it and do nothing because of religious, tribal and political differences is a collective colossal and unforgivable SIN.

What I see when I look at this Quran and Bible wielding hate mongers, bile spreading tribalist and political bigots are biological mistakes. Why Nigeria is infested by this bunch heading straight to the hell they live their lives in awe of remains a mystery. This bunch of super-marionettes that are born again PDPs, APCs, tribalistic tongue speaking, Holy Ghost filled and their dagger and bomb wielding frenemies are already condemned to perdition right here on earth given their act of omission or commission.
What I find disturbing is there inordinate desire to take people like me along in their eternal war and unbridled quest to see who gets to hell first.

 In all honesty, I find the esoteric premise of anyone acting as God voice on earth inexplicably confounding, it becomes contemptuous when those you consider as your leaders subject themselves to these chronic liars in the name of God!

When our leaders, People that are suppose to be next to God, who should be the epitome of wisdom start jumping from one church or mosque to the other seeking for God intervention in, what ordinary, should be the mainstay of their leaderships and even go as far as paying something called tithe in millions with our money for mundane expectations of sporadic spiritual magic wand, you will excuse me for seeing religion through the eyes of Karl Max.
The voice of the people, they say, is the voice of God, if that were so, why then would any right thinking leader that have the vote of the people need self serving power of the self crowned emissaries of God. Why does our leaders frolic in religious perspicuity, needless to say that in submitting themselves to these religious criminals, they lose their power to the religious leaders who then becomes the de facto leaders despite not having sort the voice of the people, that is the voice of God, through election. In my humble opinion, this is one of the many reasons why boko-are-rams are having unqualified freedom to roam the street and commit murder and no one is challenging them.

Otherwise, how do one explain the fact that Boko-are-rams could walk into a secondary schools in a state with a state of emergency and wreck havoc for hours without any challenge from a government that profess religious credos. Even more alarming is the knowledge that for days after the incomprehensible dastard acts of almost cannibalistic proportion, not a whimper from the government to ensure confidence in the citizenry. The president has not even visited the scene of this gargantuan malodorous act.

 Kindly forgive me for doubting the spirituality in their religiosity. I hope you understand when I say that Nigeria stinks and the blood of the innocent cry out for vengeance. Where is our God, where is the God of the Quran, where is the God of the Bible, where is Sango, Obatala, Orumila, Ofor, Oshimili, Agaji and most importantly, where are the political gods?

God has forgotten about us methinks, or no, not really, may be God is waiting for those of us who have seen through the fraud mesmerism passed of as spiritualism in Nigeria to act. We are all gods in our own ways and it is our refusal to act as gods that make me hold us responsible for the children killed last week in their sleep. Do not blame boko-are-rams. Blame you and me!

I have the conviction that the only reason God has not destroyed Nigeria is because of people like us who are not part of this fraud in God’s name baptized as religion but for how long will God wait for us to play our part before he destroy us as a nation?
The poverty of the people has been blamed for our laisser-faire approach to sadism. In my opinion, the issue of poverty is a deliberately contrived political and religious mechanism designed through the diabolical collusion between the politicians and the crass bigotry of Nigeria religious leaders with one goal: keep them poor, keep them uneducated, keep them sick and disease infested and you will control them forever.

I lay the blame of the boko-are-rams success squarely at the foot of the political and religious cabal, those identical twins whose motives and priorities are inexplicably linked and are forever guided by their inordinate greed. They are enjoying the distractions that boko-are-rams abhor able and condemnable self-serving jihad provides. It is not different from the distraction of legislating against gays and the shamelessness of tribalism as a political tool but beyond all that, even them will not be able to enjoy or distract us if we have not acquiesce, through our collective omission or commission on what affect all of us.

Inaju 2014.

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