Wednesday, January 14, 2009



It is quite interesting that the African conference on Zimbabwean Democracy was held in Egypt - to persuade Mugabe to share power with the opposition. It is also interesting to know that Egyptian government has not allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to field candidates for parliamentary election since Mubarak took over the reign in Egypt. It is even more interesting to know that none of the governments now sanctioning or calling for Mugabe head has raised the issue of sanction on the
government of Mubarak. It is heart rendering that African leaders would allow Mubarak to host such an important gathering with his hands soaked in the blood of innocent opposition leaders who died because the dared to ask for justice.

Mubarak is arguably one of the longest serving presidents in the world today. He has held the people of Egypt hostage with support from super powers like United state of America and the United Kingdom for decades. With the support from these super powers, he has suppressed, jailed and even killed opposition leaders while the West stand by as spectators. We are still waiting for the drums of sanctions
to roll out of the Augean stable of the super powers or at least for African leaders to organize a conference in Zimbabwe to address Egypt’s uncanny and surreal political imbroglio under Mubarak.

Musharaf was touted for years as a partner of the west by the west; he enjoyed unalloyed support, even when he was muzzling the judiciary!

The Palestinian democratically elected HAMAS government has been branded as undemocratic and a terrorist organization and the people of Gaza now pay the price!

Nigerian bear the brunt of government of selection done by Obasanjo and the west are singing hosanna and passing the travesty off as acceptable because of Oil!

When Bush cheated his way into power in 2000, it was all right! No one is complaining about Vladimir Putin who went from president to prime minister without giving the opposition any chance! Man, the more I think about these things the more I think that Mugabe is no different from the leaders of the world and no nation would have fared better than Zimbabwe under the burden of this colossal sanctions!

Zimbabwe is a young country of twenty something odd years. How old are other African countries like Nigeria, Ivory Coast, The Gambia, Burkina Faso to name just but a few...and you know what? These countries leadership enjoy patronage and support from the west! What has Zimbabwe done differently? Why is the west fighting her? The reasons are obvious and glaring. Zimbabwe under Mugabe dared to demand for the lands stolen by whites slave drivers. He chased the unwanted guest turned land lords
out of mother Zimbabwe and the super powers can’t stand the idea of an African daring to ask for what is rightly theirs!

The issue of election crisis and wanton destruction in Zimbabwe is a sad one that all Africa must eschew; but vilifying Mugabe as if election mal-practice or leadership longevity is a novelty is nothing short of share hypocrisy.
It is more disturbing when the west who have supported draconic leaders elsewhere now climb mount Olympus and shout themselves blue in the face under the pretext of trying to save Zimbabwe from Mugabe! This delusive smoke screen brandished by Mugabe’s detractors who have supported such blatant electoral mayhem and injustice in other places as enumerated above must be seen for what they are; share pretentious human ignominy designed to fool the undesigning mind; because the
countries listed above have no credible electoral system or election yet the leaders that emerged are not vilified by the west the way Mugabe is! If anything they enjoy financial wind fall from the super powers.

Zimbabwe would have another leader at their own pace and terms not because British, American and their cronies say so.

Only last week, I heard one of the most respected leaders in Africa and the world criticize Mugabe, I am talking about Nelson Mandela. I have been waiting for him to say something all these years and when he finally decided to say something guess where he was talking? LONDON! Before anyone say it does not matter from where he speaks, let me add that even the greenest of journalist know that where you
make your statements is as important as the statement.

Why didn’t Mandela make his opinion of Zimbabwe and Mugabe known from S/Africa where he domiciles? Why did he not make his statement in another African country? You know why, the British and the Americans who made him bequeath S/Africa economy to the Boars are putting pressure on him to make a statement that favors them in the eyes of the world. WHAT A SHAME!Those of us out here are watching and we can see the handwriting on the wall. Let no one be misled by Western media propaganda and their holier than thou approach to African issues.

Last week I heard on CBS news that Alzajeera has been sued in America. There is an ongoing attempt to ban Aljazeera from covering news in America. You know why? Because they say Aljazeera does not cover America favorably in their reportage and they are anti-Semitic. Can you believe that? America is supposed to be the bastion of free speech. The land of democracy and liberty! Even if at the end of the
day, nothing substantial emanates from the case, the mare thought of it is choking in a world peopled by hypocrites’ and political sycophants.

Mugabe, Mubarak, Musharaf, Iraq, etc are disasters happening in our time and there is barely anything we can do about it because we believe we are powerless. But I can assure you that we are not, we are only lazy and lost! We do not know how to fight our fight. Thos who understand the human psyche are using us for their end. We love life too much to fight for honor, something our forebears did brilliantly until they too lost it and became colluders in the slave trade. We are waiting for the messiah to come and liberate us, but I tell you my people, the messiah is here, we are the messiah we seek!

The power that be (America and Britain and their cronies) have deigned things to happen the way they are happening and we are following like lost sheep. If we are bold enough to stand up to our leaders and the rest of the world damning whatever may be the outcome but with a linear clear vision, with a mind focused on positive change, with a goal for positive change, our status in the eyes of the world would
change, our life will be better, our progenies would find a better world where they will be proud.

Mugabe would have his day but the will of the people will prevail. If it can happen in the Philippines under Marcos Aquino, there is no reason why it could not happen in Africa!

Mugabe, Mubarak, Musharaf, Palestine and Israel are all product of America and British. Mugabe is their concept of Africa. Zimbabwe is the picture of Africa while Al-Qaeda is represent Arabs in the western Media because it serves their inordinate purpose to denigrate Africa and Arabs. Believe me after Zimbabwe it might be S/Africa.

Is it not shameful that after all these years, it is only now that the queen of England deem it necessary to strip Mugabe of his Knighthood! The common wealth has banned Zimbabwe, the common wealth where the only thing common is our wealth. The final products of the wealth belong to the developed world. Can you believe that despite all these political shenanigans, British and American and other Common
Wealth countries oil companies are still doing business in Zimbabwe!
This is unacceptable!

All these talk about sanctions and stripping of knighthood are entirely cosmetic. It only hurt the people, it does not go far enough and the west knows it. Other African knights, recipients of the Queen of England knighthood should give the woman her title back. We don’t need it. They are all hypocritical and meant to shut people up.
Mark my word; in times to come we are going to have more Mugabe in Africa, standing up to the west…! And who knows, it might be the beginning of the new African dawn!
By Inaju R. Inaju

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