Thursday, November 13, 2008


The word messiah simply means ‘anointed one’ or ‘Chosen one’ (It is different from The Messiah). The biblical The Messiah is the one expected to be the descendant of the Biblical David. He is expected to save the Jews and restore everything they lost while running away from the war and strife that characterized their stay in the ‘the promised’ land. Both the Messiahs and Messiah share the same job description (save the people from whatever ails them) except that The Messiah connotes both spiritual and physical job unlike Messiah. The arguments can be advanced that once a peoples physical needs are met then the spiritual becomes a done deal. It is the foregoing that seems to blurs the line between The Messiah and Messiah however there is a difference between the two.

It is worth mentioning that for there to be a messiah, there must be a villain. Villain could be a natural situation or manmade. It could be an individual or a phantom like the Christian and Islamic Devil. Whatever the case, mortals look out for messiahs most times only when times are hard. Hard times can be as a result of natural catastrophe or manmade disaster but more often than not Christianity and Islam credit the Devil with such anomalies instead of trying to understand it.
‘Throughout history there have been claimants to the title "messiah." Some of these led their followers into military adventures that ended badly. Others were peaceful, yet because they were not accepted by orthodox authorities of their faith, ‘’they cannot be called the Messiah or even messiah,’’ they ended up forming their own sect or even a new religion. Thus Bahá'u'lláh (1817 – 1892) claimed to be the promised one of all religions, and founded the Bahá'í Faith. The Shakers believed their founder Mother Ann Lee, as the bride of Christ, was the female Messiah. The Ahmadiyya religion, considered deviated by mainstream Islam, believes that the Messiah and Mahdi have come in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India (1835 – 1908). In the Unification Church, Reverend Sun Myung Moon is considered to be the Messiah along with his wife.’

Without any doubt, humans have forever expected Messiahs and have had to invent one when they are faced with seemingly insurmountable problems. Needless to say none of these Messiahs have succeeded in alleviating the problems of humans. Our generation has been inundated with stories of frauds who masquerade as the Messiah. We have heard and read stories of natural disasters credited to the all powerful Devil that can only be checkmated by the messiah! It is important to add here that the Devil has succeeded one times too many as humans wait for the Messiah to intervene! Whether we are talking about the biblical Noah deluge or the recent tsunamis in Asia or even the farfetched disastrous biblical story of the forbidden fruit; what must be said, though, is that majority of disasters in the world today are manmade.
America, Zimbabwe and of course our own dear Nigeria is currently experiencing avoidable man made political disasters that make us look out for messiahs’.

I have read and heard and even argued with people with the belief that Nigeria needs some spiritual engagement to be able to disengage from our political wilderness. America is not out of the woods yet but with this singular act of political astuteness, one can see where they are headed. American Messiah is here and it is the American who chose him and anointed him!
The Messiah has a more universal appeal because of Christianity. From where I stand, Messiah would be someone with a clear philosophy and an agenda to better humanity. Realization of such vision and philosophy would come to fruition if the people` accept his/her ideas and are willing to roll up their sleeves and work side by side with such Messiah. As the people work hard in pursuit of the vision, they would come across problems, how they navigate through such problems would depend on how much they believe in their Messiah’s vision.

The Messiah as a theorem postulates that at the time of difficulty, the Messiah would come and resolve our difficulty. Take the Jews obsession with their expected The messiah as one example. According to Jewish teaching, The messiah would restore ‘...ingathering of the exiles; restoration of the religious courts of justice; an end of wickedness, sin and heresy; reward to the righteous; rebuilding of Jerusalem; restoration...of the Temple service’. (Judaism 101)

Emmanuel Joseph, the son of Mary and Joseph has been called many thing amongst which is Jesus The Messiah. He was known to have flogged people in the synagogue when they turned the place into a shopping mall in his effort to restore order and sanity. He spoke against the political power of the day in his attempt to establish his own political order. It must be added that he succeeded beyond his own imagination posthumously. For his troubles he paid with his life. Can we then say that Jesus is The Messiah? The Jews don’t believe it.

‘All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth... have been rejected’. Curled from

Jesus could not achieve the prescription of what The Messiah must do in the bible (according to Jews) in his life time, a situation that challenges his claim to the title. His followers in order to make him relevant looked beyond the small Jewish community of Israel to the Gentiles. The gentiles have been mislead into abandoning their own Messiahs and core values and belief system by those who sees the story told of Jesus and Mohamed as a fast and easy way to earn a living. Gentiles bought into this world wide scam propagated by self styled children of God in their born again Christian and fundamental Islamic assumptions. This misguided loud minority can’t imagine looking beyond their Idols in the global quest for a Messiah. The interesting thing is that The Messiah is forever in us if only we can look inward for the infinite good every one of us is imbued with.

Followers of these two belief system are still trying to convince the world that they carry the light in the dark tunnel where humans search for The One. Jews cannot believe their ears and eyes when Christians claim that Emmanuel Joseph is the One. Jews have out rightly rejected Jesus as the Messiah. The coming of the messiah as conceptualized by the Jews would restore everything lost in battle and Jerusalem would be returned to them. It would mark the end of suffering. Since Emmanuel Joseph did not meet these expectations, the Jews do not recognize his messianic appellation

‘Because no person has ever fulfilled the
picture painted in the Bible of this future
King, Jewish people still await the coming
Of The Messiah.
Curled from

In lieu of the foregoing; one could safely argue that the job of The Messiah is to redeem or restore through radical and fundamental changes what is wrong with society or a people.

It is against this background; one can argue that those who see Obama as The Messiah or Messiah or the Chosen One (to rid the world of evil) in the present dispensation must be allowed to run with their claims. They are no different from any other group of people in history. If anything they have more reason to do so than any other group in history! They must now roll up their sleeves and take to the pulpit to actualize the Barrack Obama, (their Messiah’s) dream. If Barrack Obama chose to claim that title, he will be doing so with better pedigree than any other person in history! His father was pure bread from the black race that went to the best school of his days. His son followed in his foot step and has history behind him. His world goes beyond the borders of America and cut across race and creed.

According to ‘ ‘...his reign (‘’the Messiah’’) will be an historically verifiable reality, self-evident to any person, it won't require belief or faith.’

Obama’s claim to the title is not only an historical and verifiable self evident fact; one does not need any faith or belief to see that he is the anointed one of America if the last election result is correct. Compared to any other claimants to Messianic role in the past, Obama enjoys a more universal acceptance than any other person dead or alive in written history. Obama’s support is found among Jews and Gentiles. Both Jesus and Mohamed could not even unite the two feuding houses from the loins of Abraham not to talk of the world.

Added to this is the fact that, past claimants to the messianic throne could not spread their message of peace, if they had any, beyond their immediate vicinity. If anything they were hunted by those who know them. They all died a painful death! They operated in a small part of the world where they left behind divisive messages that have left humans at each other’s throat. Either they have been misinterpreted or their adherents have correctly interpreted them by killing each other and non believers in their effort to spread the messages of their own Messiah or The Messiah!

Obama though hunted by some misguided white supremacist and no doubt gullible myopic colored; enjoys more acceptances and can reach his followers directly through all the means provided by technology today. His message may be misinterpreted by non-believers but those who truly seek the Obama truth can get it first hand from his website and other media without the middle humans like clerics. A situation that makes Barrack Obama’s messianic claims not only unique but his story authentic for this generation.

When society starts seeing messiah in unlikely places, it is a pointer to an inner desire for some forms of dramatic change. This change can occur in the corridors of power as seen in America of today or it could be lead by fraudsters in G-d name as is the case in most part of the world where democracy does not enjoy popularity. This is one way to explain why religion is gaining currency in most part of the developing world. Be it Islam or Pentecostal Christianity they pander to the desire of the people for fundamental changes in the face of daunting economic calamity.
America of today has a need for both The Messiah and Messiah more than ever. Not only because GOPs,’ lead by Bush, has nearly ruined American economy but it has ruined their image everywhere and this is taking its toll. The world perception of America is at an all time low because of the unnecessary war started by Bush. The war has taken a toll on American economy; this has made life a far cry from what America knew it to be. The leadership provided by George Bush in the last eight years can be described as the leadership of the biblical serpent or Lucifer, a situation that make the concept of a messiah relevant in today America. OBAMA, if he can turn these woes around would be The One in this dispensation. The villains have had their day under Bush. The New World Encyclopedia writes, ‘The term Messiah, literally "Anointed One," refers to the belief in a religious (and often political) savior figure who inaugurates a new age and overthrows the old world order. If Obama succeeds he would be the later.

Does this mean that Obama would end all our troubles? Not even Jesus or Mohamed or any other claimant to that title has achieved anything near that. If anything most Messiahs only make matters worse. One only need look at the troubles we are faced with in the world today because of the feud between Christianity and Islam that claim to be doing the work of The Messiah or the Chosen one to see the reason why the world problems would not end with Obama’s reign.

Using the forgoing as our yardstick, can we say Obama is The messiah or Messiah? It is difficult to conclude for many reasons. One reason is that most Messiahs, if not all, are recognised as messiahs at death. It is normally generations after their reigns that recognise their messianic credentials.

The word Christian was used for the first time after the death of Jesus. ‘It translate as the followers of Christ’ Jesus never started any religion, and I doubt if he had any intention to start one. The level of popularity enjoyed by Jesus today could never have been imagined by anyone who lived when he was working to earn his keep on earth. The villains in the time of Jesus were the political leaders of his time. They are still the villains’ today!

In Summary, let reassert the fact that no messiah have ever enjoyed universal acceptance among the human race! Each has their small band of followers who will go to any length, including wars and murder to let one know that they have the answer to humanity quest to the answer that plagues it. Obama has an unparalleled stage from which he can rule the world. His rhetorical message of peace so far has gone down well. If he can take it to the level of praxis; his Messianic appellation would stick for Good and at death, who knows, he may be remembered as THE ONE. The Messiah!


  1. Reuben,

    Permit me to observe that your view on Christianity /Christmas/Christ, etc. represent, to say the least, very violent attack on the Christian faith. I am not so religious, but I know this is capable of polluting the fresh air we breathe in this Josites’ forum.

    And to equate Obama with Christ (and his chances to succeed where Christ failed as you claim), is also to me, the most disservice you can do both Obama and humankind. My candid advice is: do not clothe Obama in any divine toga. You know why? Those that tried it in history all came to grief.

    You may not believe it but Obama as a person is really not a big deal. He isn’t half Martin Luther if you ask me. He is half black, half white, which made both sides to trust him and vote him in. Could the whites have voted if he were pure black? I do not think so! So, Obama is our closest to it for now. Quite good but messianic.

    Rather than waste valuable time talking about Obama as a messiah( which he cannot be!), can we devote a little of it looking at how to get the whole Nigeria to vote for just any Nigerian who has what it takes to make the difference?

    Maitama Sule once told Nigerians that: the North is cut out for leadership of the country, the Yorubas for administration and the Igbos for commerce. Isn't this reprehensible, yet the mode the Nigerian nation is run? He even offered no role to the minorities of the country. Can we spend more time looking at how to change such evil perceptions which has so permeated the polity and made under-developing and plundering the country some elites' birthright and pastime?

    Do you know that it is a lot easier for you to become the president of the US than that of Nigeria ? Could Obama have become the president of Kenya with the likes of Kibaki in that country?
    Reuben, I tell you, as an upcoming leader in Nigeria , you have greater obstacles placed on your way than Obama had in the US elections. To cross these obstacles we need bridges built across them and not burning the existing ones (as you have done with your anti-Christian view).

    Obama is a very basic but lucky guy; in school he was quite average and did not graduate with 2/1 or 1st class as many outstanding dramatis personae do. He has never pretended to be a superstar, never called himself any lofty names. To call him a messiah, to me is absurd, please forgive my language, but I lack words.

    Let it be said that it is a great thing Obama is US president elect. We should all pray he succeeds because the odds against him are just as great and therefore worrisome and for us to start now singing “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is Obama who comes in the name of (?)

    I even thought ‘Reuben’ is a Christian name? Or Jewish – a tribe in Israel ? I don’t know, but certainly it is not African, making it difficult to place what you profess. Is Reuben a Judaist? You have the freedom to believe in just anything and not to even believe in anything at all. After all, in our free world, we have even atheists.

    But I will really suggest you go full Africa , religion-wise, starting with dropping the religiously imperial name -Reuben. The rest will follow. Even some political leaders did it – Zik, Awo, Nkrumah and several others.

    I am a Christian and believe in Christmas and will soon send a warm message to all – both those who believe and those who don’t – a message of love and hope. Love is the universal and binding force holding all humankind together, regardless of their faiths and without, hope we are all done.

    I so believe that if we have love in Nigeria what has happened in Jos and still happening in the Niger Delta and other parts of Nigeria won’t be happening.

    May God help our nation Nigeria .

    Law Mefor.

  2. Oga Mefore,
    Reading your angle on any piece of writing always makes me feel good and this piece is not an exception. I take it then that you visited my blog

    Permit me to say thank you for the time spent reading my humble attempt at analyzing the issue based on some other discuss from other forum.

    The story seems to have made you angry, it was not intended to, if anything, it was meant to look at the issue of messiah from my point of view, which was why I published the story on my personal blog.

    You said I am violently attacking Christmas/Christ/and Christianity; I honestly do not think so nor do I believe so. I have nothing against any Religion least of all Christianity. I take issues with those who are blinded with religious clichés and would want all of us to follow in their footsteps without questioning. I also recognize those like me who have been disillusioned with practitioners of various convictions and contradictions in certain religion both in terms of value and moral ethics. I can point some of these out but I will spare us that for another time and place.

    I know that we have fervent Christians on this group; for them I say hold on to what you know and believe but please give room for people like me. For those in my category, I say look for the real thing and when you find it follow it whole heartedly. This is where I find fault with your piece Oga Mefore. You said 'I am a Christian' and you went on to say 'I am not so religious' Oga Mefore pardon me, I am lost.

    Christianity is not something to be taken lightly. You are either an adherent to what you believe and take it serious or you are not. The idea of being religious when it suites one is nothing short of anathema! Sitting on the fence does more damage to the faith than my piece on messiah. It is like Nigerian politicians professing/preaching Nigerianess while they act Biafra, Odua, ijaw, Arewa and God knows what other tribes are fighting for libration from the shackles called Nigeria of today.

    Mefore, Part of our problems in Nigeria is religion, am sure you know this. Don't forget that OBJ said he is born again!!!!
    In the piece on my blog you refer to, I was writing on the concept of Messiah and Christ is probably the most recognized The Messiah in the world in terms of the number of his followers. (Although it has been argued in some quarters that Islam has more adherents' than Christianity). It is only natural that when I write about Messiah, His name will come up; I did not intend to denigrate his name. Most of what I wrote in that piece was from his closest relatives, The Jews. These ideas are in the public domain. The ideas are not even originally mine.

    You call my equating Obama to Jesus the greatest disservice I can do to humanity. I assume you are talking about the part of humanity who professes Christianity. If that is the case, I can only add that this aspect of humanity has done more disservice to other peoples' religion than anyone or my article can ever do to them. I am not out to fight Christianity but I will not hesitate to say my piece and XMAS by the way is not a Christian festival!!!

    When you say Obama is half black and half white, you only reaffirm my submission on the same blog; did you see it while you were there?

    There is a fundamental difference between messiah and The Messiah. Anyone can be a messiah but only one person, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, has been referred to as The Messiah. Obama can be a messiah and may God help him to be a messiah.

    Nigeria is in search of a Messiah as you read this. May we find one before long!
    I fail to see what you call my 'anti Christian views' burning the bridge we are trying to build in Nigeria; what is lacking in Nigeria of today is honesty and commitment to what we say. We preach one thing and practice another. All imported religions, including but not limited to Christianity, have failed us in this regard or do I say we have failed all religions including Christianity in that regard. Can the faithful in whatever conviction practice what they preach? If they do, Nigeria will turn around in one year!! Jesus will be happy with us and God would have fewer problems to deal with!!!

    Reuben is a Jewish name and yes, it is Judaist, I don't know about it being Christian, I did not see it mentioned in the new testament. and don't worry, I have already initiated the process of dropping it. Once it is completed I will inform you personally.
    I am working on another piece about Obama's presidency and the white supremacist conspiracy that brought him to power. When I am done, I will let you know and you may find something edifying in it.

    Oga Mefore, once more, thank you for your razor edge analysis and for visiting my blog, I hope you will come back and when you do please post this kind of writing there.
    God bless you and may you become seriously '.so religious'.
